Should surgery be the first option when dealing with fibroids ? No , except it’s life threatening.
Many women have gone under the knife a first , second , third , forth even fifth time to remove fibroids and yet still having reoccurrence of fibroids , that leaves us with the opinion that removing fibroids surgically is not the solution as it only provides a temporary relief but getting rid of the root cause is the provided solution .

When it comes to fibroids the first step is to stop feeding the tumor and we can only achieve that with holistic lifestyle.

We have had many success story of people who had fibroids and got rid of it using holistic approach and We will be so glad to help you also .


  • One on one consultation to understand your body and symptoms ( phone call 
  • Uterine cleansing guide .
  • Diet approach guide.
  • 4  therapy guide with follow up .
  • Herbal supplements guide.
  • Lifestyle approach.
  • Balancing of hormones .
  • Fibroids shrinkage using herbs .

    All these aim at helping to get rid of the tumor .

PS : PS : This therapy does not include any product , you will get recommendation of products to buy which can be purchased from our fertility shop

Fee :70000 naira
USD : 170 USD

Access Bank : Oluseye Adesewa


Note : Program fee once paid is non refundable.

Fill Form Below with Payment evidence.

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